Eager to say that i'm remaking my game. Super glad there's people playing it despite its flaws, it makes my heart flutter in joy.

That said, here's the plan:

- RevoirLife V2 (or REMAKE) will be a complete overhaul of the original RL. It will be a typical styled RPGMaker game instead of a 2D one.

- My original plan for it was making it an Ao Oni styled game where you have to hide...But due to my inability to know how to code a chaser for my dummy brain, i'm making this in the style of "A house for Alessa" saga. Without the chasings because i still don't know how to do that. Instead...Protag will ded if you misclick hehe.


I'll leave a smol spoiler in below. Yes, only in spanish bc i'm lazy.

Get [V1] RevoirLife

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